Supports qualified Adventist clergy who are called to campus, community, corrections, healthcare, military or work-place chaplaincy ministries.
Children’s Ministries
This department seeks to develop the faith of children from birth through age fourteen, leading them into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus.
Aimed at fostering a clearer image of the church, its mission, activities and witness, so that many will become followers of Christ and members of His church.
Responsible for the supervision, coordination, promotion and quality control of the global Seventh-day Adventist educational system.
Family Ministries
A ministry to relationships: husband and wife, parent and child and also to the wider family of the Church as a whole.
Health Ministries
serves as a resource for information and counsel on health and temperance affairs and also advises the Church about the same.
Gives leadership to the work of the publishing departments worldwide, Home/Family Health Education Service offices, Adventist Book Centers etc.
Sabbath School
Supplies training and resources to local teachers of religious education and other members, promotes personal and world missions.
The Stewardship Department provides leadership training and education in stewardship principles for church members.
Women’s Ministries
The Women Ministers department ministers to the spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of women around the world.
Adventist Youth
Coordinates youth ministry planning and resources between world church regions, and helps youth leaders evaluate and monitor the results of their programming.
The Men’s Ministers department ministers to the spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of men around the world.
Personal Ministries
Provides full religious education for church members of all ages, including Sabbath School bible study guides and material
Help Adventists know their Muslim neighbors and Muslims to learn about Adventists so we can be good Spiritual friends as we prepare for the second coming of Jesus together.
One of the leadership programs that the General Conference Youth Ministries Department uses to train people for youth leadership.